Isabel Larra%C3%B1aga Ram%C3%ADrez

Isabel Larraaga Ramirez is a Venerable in the Roman Catholic Church. She was born in Manila, Philippines. Her cause for beatification is currently underway with saint protocol number 994. The actors for her cause is Hermanas de la Caridad del Sagrado Corazn de Jess of Spain. She is the foundress of The Sisters of Charity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Venerable Isabel Ramirez was born onNovember 1836 in Manila, Philippines, she is the youngest among ten children, Isabel was born in Manila on November 19, 1836 to Juan Andres Ma. de Larranaga and Isabel Ramirez Patino. She has Spanish parents and she is a Filipina by birth and by virtue of citizenship. She was baptized in San Miguel de Arcangel in Malacanangdays after her birth.

Source: Wikipedia